The Northern Quadrant of TEX is a karmatic web thickly woven from the warp of causes and the woof of effects. Past options chosen establish the ebb - and probabilities for future options to choose, based upon considering the past in light of current events, establish the flow - of tidal dynamics undulating through the weave, like rippling waves in this dense multidimensional network of actions and reactions.
The Eastern Quadrant of TEX throbs to the beat of primordial rhythm that yawns like hunger, like thirst, like a craving so intense that the very atmosphere seems to devour, to drink, to eat its own substance - in a ceaseless act of attempted satiation. The atmosphere of this direction moils with yearning like the wordless wails of countless children crying out for nourishment. Fingers of endless wanting clutch for succor that is never enough.
The Southern Quadrant of TEX is so quiet that the silence screams. Symbols fall like fragments of futility from a sky gagged with heavy clouds. Sigils, signs, and the shattered remains of glittering eldritch alphabets litter the expanse - choking every attempt to communicate with the sensation of asphyxiating desperation to receive what words, terms, and any other referential system can never give. Manic mandibles lined with carious, preachy teeth gnash and gnaw glyphs into bits.
The Western Quadrant of TEX is a nest of chains coming inward from every direction of outer infinity, dripping with viscious fluids of exertion that slowly seep out of wounds from resistence. Soiled bandages bind narrow spaces. Torsos of unflesh entwine with ropey tendons, terminating at tentacled appendages that grasp and clasp like the bars of an organic prison. Every action and reaction tightens and relaxes those chains, like loops of entrails struggling with peristalic process gripped by acute constipation.
This post has been edited by Praxis: Apr 20 2006, 03:52 PM