I saw the da vinci code movie yesterday and in the presentation robert langdon had it was a quick picture about how the peace sign (IMG: http://www.forusa.org/Merchant2/graphics/00000001/bs-peacesign.gif) and the hanged man (IMG: http://www.digitarot.com/images/fullsize/T12_XII_the_hanged_man.jpg) that they have a sort of connection and while looking at it, yes, i can definatly see it, but could anyone elaborate about the connection they have, i'll have to read up on the hanged man i guess.
-----BEGIN MAGIC CODE BLOCK----- Version: 1.5.1 MCM X P W N !D A a+ C G QH++ 666 Y ------END MAGIC CODE BLOCK------
"And if rain brings wind of change let it rain on us forever."