I was thinking about egregores tonight whilst walking home, and I thought... If we can create egregores or other spirits for ourselves via thought-forms, can we not use an object, or body of an animal or even human for these egregores to take place in?
I know this may need a lot of energy, but as we should take into account, the body's energy flows within the blood, and if the egregore knows how to take energy via psychic vampirism, then they can be vampiric egregores inside a body we have casted them into.
I get this thought from the concept of physically raising the dead (Necromancy), of using spirits and casting them into a physical body for as long as they can procreate the energy they need to stay intact within the physical. - Of course I do not encourage this as it is very rude and I see no reason to disturb the spirits who have transcended to the nether/underworld, but the "thought" of this created new ideas for me.
Thoughtforms are created in the astral and would need more energy to stay in a physical body and act accordingly with physical matters, so if one person would not have the energy to create such a being, cannot 2? or 3? or 10? or 100 people?
Once again, i'd appreciate your thoughts/views on this, those who have had experience with egregores and/or other spirits (primarly vampiric), and/or those of you who may know more than me on this matter.
Thanks once more.
*note: I made an extra post as this question did not fit in with my first, though they are similar, I did not want them to coalesce and seem as one question, for organization.