Hi. I've been on a philosophical quest for a few years now, and I'm seriously investigating magick. I don't consider myself experienced in most directions, and I haven't settled on a path. I have some interest in chaos magick as an approach to developing practices that work for me in my particular circumstances, and in Asatru. I've read some of Dion Fortune's books, meditated a bit, and done some Tarot reading, among other things, but heretofore magick hasn't been a major focus for me.
I was raised as an evangelical Christian, but eventually left the faith. I spent some time contemplating metaphysical naturalism and trying it on for size, but in the end I don't see that I can arrive at the conclusion that the physical world is all that exists. And I have some experience that leads me to believe that symbolic operations can have profound effects on our own minds; whether they can affect the world outside our own heads I do not know, and seek to learn by experiment.