I have always wanted to learn this, but I was cautioned away from this when I was 16 by a right hand path f%*! face who knew nothing about it. Now, I know a little about ritual magick, but my main specialty is LBM (lesser black magick). Basically that means shit without tools, with the exception of candles when I'm too lazy to get really emotional before I do spells, curses, and whatnot. I do a bit of astral travel, and when I do its usually exploring, talking, or sex, and battle...the latter two are the majority of time takers. My experiences are semi lucid at that. I have little knowledge of ritual or group magick because I've always practiced alone. I can control my thoughts pretty well and I meditate a lot.
The questions I present you with are... 1. Is the Necronomicon too advanced a Grimore from me? 2. What are the least amount of tools and materials I will need to do major tasks? 3. What will be the major restraint of my actions, with having the minimum, or near minimum with tools? 4. Do you have any tips for me starting up, or anything to study that will help me grip the Necronomicon better?