I've had some experiences with stranger spirits before that absolutely perplex me.
About two years ago I lived in an apartment with my dad and there was a spirit that lived in my room and liked messing with me from time to time. It changed my music and put a backpack on my stomach (each was a single occurrence only) and it also screeched in my headphones once, as well as breathing heavily in the vent of my bathroom on one occassion. The most frequent incident was watching me in the shower (as cliche as it sounds, it did in fact watch me in the shower) so intently that I'd peel back the curtain to make sure no one was in my bathroom about to do something to me. It's since left me alone (I moved out of there a long tme ago), but it was definitely disturbing.
The most recent experience I've had was with a little girl in my room. I was walking down to my house from my aunt's (six doors, not long at all) and when I got to my house I looked up at my bedroom window and I little girl's hand was at the window, waving at me. I knew instinctively it was a girl even though all I saw was her hand, and the hand was little, which is of course why I know she was little. No little girls live in my house. She was welcoming me home, and my guess is that it was a good thing (seeing as she was a child and children are innocent), but I have no idea why she was there.
I don't know either of these entities. Is there anything in particular that draws spirits to people they don't know?