Title gives it away... we as human beings speak many diffrent languages on this planet even though our needs are universal... living in London (baby yeah!) rubbing shoulders with people from many diffrent places I've been thinking about the power of telepathy and wether or not it surpasses cross cultural language barriers. Know that I'm ''psychic'' pick up on this and that and have had interaction with people who don't speak 'a de' english in such a way but its always baffled me so I pose it here for debate....
Does your psychic ability cross lingustic barriers.... can you pick up peoples thoughts even though they don't speak your language?
If so, and I do belive it happens going by my experiences (kind of take the ability for granted, don't rely on it at all) the intresting point of call would be the translation, for someone to be thinking in their native language but for another person to then pick it up in theirs says a lot, excuse the pun... that is if others agree with me and note that they also pick up on others thoughts past language diffrences in such a way.
Intresting to note also that in some shamanic cultures in order for the shaman to prove his or her worth they much go through several tests, one such test is the sudden ability to speak a neighbouring dialect without being versed in it beforehand. Think its also a feat someone pulls off in the bible. Anyway.. has anyone here noted anything to this effect?
Peace .M.