Hey everybody! I'll get right to the point. Do any of you have music in your dreams and astral journies?
I have been hearing music when i fall asleep and in my sleep since before i can even remember. I have never had repeat music, and ALL of them are original never-been-heard songs. Recently I've discovered a way to use the music as a tool. Its not just for comforting myself into a deep slumber, but it also helps me experience a calm lucidity. when i am aware of the music, i am aware that i am falling asleep. also during meditation or when I want to feel relaxed I listen for the music and I feel calm immediately once I hear it.
Do others of you have the same experience? And have you been catapulted/aided by the music into an astral projection? Have you become lucid in a dream because you became aware of the music. What is the origin of said music? Is this a form of self hypnosis?
i have several theories. Excluding tinnitus and auditory hallucinations, my guesses range from brain neurons rapidly firing off emulating musical affects, to self-induced therapy while said person sleeps, to the ephemeral disembodied musical product of the cosmos. to hear other people's experiences and opinions would be invaluable. thank you! (IMG: