So... you've finished your path working on which and what ever it is you were doing for the past X amount of years, free to more or less do what you want so you look toward other systems to work with, plenty out there why not test a new field.
Now... how do you go about it?
Do you take to that system using the attributes gained in the last or do you approach it all as a complete Neophyte, ground level up...? Is that even possible considering you've already gained a form of self mastery?
Many orders wouldn't be happy with a person utilizing their skills while working their system, dosen't bode well on the groups collectve consious, confuses initiations, but put it into a diffrent context, how does a sucessful businessman approach a new business? Does he forget all that he has learnt, not use his past experience and resources and play along or does he factor them in to help with any new endevor? Questioning this applies well to systems that use the QBL as it can be deceptively contextive, Tiphareth is Tiphareth but one system places Horus on its path and another Ra, diffrence is the understanding and form of system used so if you now as a Cerimonial come along and invoke the planet involved... where do you stand?
Musings (IMG: