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 Kriya Yoga, Indias quick fix solution?
post Feb 6 2010, 10:45 PM
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Have (once again) taken an intrest in yoga as an attachment, a compliment to cerimonial magic. So far I've skipped from a few yogic practices, never staying with one long enough to actually learn or gain something from it all which, looking back over the years is a shame. Was having a discussion with someone a while ago and Kriya was mentiond and I've since been doing my research on the practice only to find that its touted in a way that should send esteemed, respectable practicioners running... or at least contorting facial muscles into ways enough for a flow of prana to invoke a questionable and weary mind state regarding the matter.

"Ten (or so) minutes equates to (several) life times of spiritual evolution"

"The fastest way to world unity"


And so on, alongside an air of secrecy surrounding special karmaic busting techniques only to be reealed once an oath, taken in this life time but extending over several is taken. Other than on the cover of various contently repetitive books on western occultism I've never seen such buzz-wordism or apt crass marketing and of course like a bug to a blue light I find myself drawn in, inquizitive, perhaps hoping for an instant zap and a near death state all the while scouring the ground looking for the smoking carcasses of those who've failed or been crippled by its kundalini type approach... or at least ripped off by a content looking yogi .lol.

Perhaps due to the oaths and varying viels of secrecy, cloaks and shrouds emanating from the clouds of the Himalayas there dosent seem to be much nets worth of information out there regarding the actual practice, do think its reccomendation was perhaps linked to the secret masters myth of certain occult schools thinking about it but yeah... thought it worth a mention on here as it dosent seem to be talked about much.

Anyone practice it? Can you vouch for its efficiancy? Can't see how it compliments cerimonial practice as Ashtanga is said to.


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