Hello sacred-magick people
I'm new to the forum, but I've read and learn a lot from it
Right now, I'm really happy cause I found a good way to achieve astral projection at will, and I know you all know that's something to be happy about!
Now my first question!
Alright I've projected. I'm calmed and lucid!...what do I do? (IMG:
I can fly, go light speed (or something like that) project into places in my mind, beautiful things!
but. I want something more! I want to learn magick over there, just like other people have done, but I don't know how to start or where to go!
Where is a good *place* to learn magick or gather any good knowledge over the astral plane?
I know I can't call it a place or location, but higher and lower
But still, how do I get to a higher level?
Another question. If possible, how can I preform Magick over the astral plane?
In theory, it should be easier and more effective since its a complete energy stream over there, with lower and higher energies waving all around
but I've read it works for some people and not for others.
I know Chaos Magick is basically a *try and see* kind of magick, and I've done so
But still, I know there must be (not easier, but more effective) another way to learn!
Thanks for reading, and for the ones who may answer!
I'm new so, sorry if I post something where i shouldn't have, maybe this should have go into OBE experiences and stuff
But since Chaos Magick is involved i though of posting it here!