"The properly trained clairvoyant need have no fear that s/he will thereby expose him/her-self to the powers of evil. It is the untrained natural clairvoyant who is in danger. Training will give him/her knowledge, discipline and protection, such as will protect him from the onslaught of the averse powers".
The universe had me bump into this statement in the Golden Dawn text book of recent and it applies well to a situation or situations I have found myself in, capped in a recent 'disaster' which took some difficulty to get through. Granted that situation has changed but if ever life could teach a lesson I'd have been blind to have missed that one. So... properly training oneself in clairvoyance is an important aspect of training as a magician, that or risk 'the onslaught of averse powers' confusing situations and what are thought to be higher level communications with the voice of ones own ego and complexes. From my harsh flirtation with reality in this regard I've personally decided to find room in my training as a magician to work with the Tattwa system, as well as a bit of vodun/hoodoo but thats another matter. Its a shame that I didn't or it isn't recommended that a practitioner take up the practice and training per grade, obvious that the Golden Dawn text gives the details and structure of practice and advancement for each person/temple to take and structure accordingly, theres more than enough information given to actually formulate a holistic Golden Dawn culture, as in one that is alive and involves all (or at least most) aspects of daily life into the advancement of its members but I digress.
Is anyone here into the Tattwa system or perhaps use them in any way? Am unsure how I'm going to fit working with them as elements in to things while being stuck within an elemental grade but there you go .lol. Thought it'd make an interesting topic.
This post has been edited by Mchawi: Oct 11 2011, 02:43 PM