I have few dozen pounds of herbs and resins which are left overs from spells and incense I made or never got around to making. They take up room and are about to go bad so I was thinking of turning them in to finished artifacts. Oils and incenses and tinctures leap to mind but I was also thinking about essential oils. I never really got the use of essential oils in magick though. They seem to be only the fragrant oils of the plant and not necessarily from the part that has useful correspondence or qualities. Can someone give me a run down on what they are good for magickly speaking? Particularly helpful would be an explanation on if they are interchangeable with the whole herb or if they have distinct uses.
Thanks in advance.
Cosmic consciousness is devoid of diversity; yet the universe of diversity exists in notion.... We contemplate that reality in which everything exists, to which everything belongs, from which everything has emerged, which is the cause of everything and which is everything.... The light of [this] self-knowledge alone illumines all experiences. It shines by its own light. This inner light appears to be outside and to illumine external objects.
-Sage Vasishtha