Greetings! I found that a strong solar influence can be helpful. Another idea would be to use the star Sirius/Sothis as the stellar current is more closely allied to the oft stellar current invoked by the book.
The dubious origin of this text doesn't mean that the amassed psychic thoughtform generated by its believers isn't powerful. Mayhap one should be somewhat avant-garde in the construction of adequate banishings taken from the Lovecraftian Mythos and other related works (Derleth, Lumley, Bierce, etc.) The mind shouldn't be wasted on TV!
I'm certain that whilst attending an Enochian workshop in NYC in the 70's I had the fortune of being introduced to Simon by Herman Slater, owner of the Warlock Shop/Magical Childe. I only wish that I got to know him...*sigh* (IMG: