As of late, I have pretty much disappeared off of the forums. With a combination of work, stress, family issues, as well as spirituality concerns, I have stayed out of conversation for quite some time. Luckily, after much doubt and going back and forth between ideas, I am feeling considerably more grounded spiritually. The main reason for much of the doubt was dispute over validity of pathways based on how close they resonnate with my own heritage and culture, as well as balancing them out with my spiritual goals.
My interests are now beginning to focus more on Ceremonial Magick, because it seems to fufill both sides of the argument so to speak - my ancestry in Western Europe, my needs for a fairly traditional structure, with ample room for eclecticism. Most of my study within Ceremonial Magick seems more centered on Hermetic doctrine, and to a lesser extent, examples of it's manifestation within the various orders that proceeded in the following centuries after it's origination.
Of course, these new developments are by no means complete, but then again, nothing really is. What I am really in need of is some good study material on Ceremonial Magick. I take a mostly Hermetic stance because I see it as a good stable makeup of ideas, and a solid foundation for many of the traditions. However, I am open to different approaches as well, and maybe someday I might find people of like mind who I might want to share practice with. Be that as it may, I'd like to ask ... Does anybody know any good reading material that they would recommend for someone who would like to work towards a more goal-oriented mystical practice within Ceremonial Magick?
Safe journeys, Ouroboros
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