This is the comment I left:
Can I just say that this whole comment chain is pointless sniping at each other's bull-headedness??? Arguing frantically online won't change anyone's opinion on what happened, how about we shut down the racket unless there's something meaningful to be said?
Then I got messed with by people so I replied:
Why is it that people are thumbs-downing this??? I'm just saying neither side will back down; this is mind vs. spirit, one can't live without the other and the two clash constantly. It won't. Solve. Anything. Harmony without is harmony within.
The thing is, this is a battle neither side will win. Why are we fighting it? We all know there are those with "tunnel vision" of sorts that commits them to one course throughout life and a change in that course throws them against the tunnel wall. Since they build the course, they don't want to change it. Hence: it never changes. People never change if they aren't willing to go through spiritual, mental and even physical crises. The fact is, most people are too timid to handle that so they never change. It's a sad thing, but it's the truth. It's killing me a little bit (IMG:
style_emoticons/default/angry_pissed_off_emoticon.gif) and i think people need a serious attitude check.