Ave,this is question is for Frater Fio but any experienced pratictioners answers will be appreciated; Hi Fio I haven't been on the forum for a while, was reading some of you answers THANKS your knowledge is invaluable for me on my GD path,,which brings me to this question, Lately I've been having some psycic disterbances while preparing to go to sleep and have started to take my consecrated GD Earth pentacle and placing it over my Tiphareth center while I sleep; using it as a protective talisman..it is proving extremely effective even causing some visions like it was opening a gateway up the tree. when I placed it on my forehead WOW! it didn't have this effect every time..now I find myself sleeping with it almost all the time as I have good dreams and great peace when I wake up,,strange thing is it drives out all my fears-I've been having fears of some things going wrong lately-financially and medically -the point; could this use of it as a protective talisman make it ineffective in my ritual work?de-charge it? I have slept with other tools before to create more of a connection..like my wand.. Let me add what I saw for those who may be curious; I did the Rose Cross, Middle Pillar, LBRP,Anaylsis of the key word LBRH AKW in the astral as usual before I sleep, I did these with the Pentcle over my solar plexis , when done I placed it over my third eye, and closed my eyes it was like mist oppened up and I was looking up the middle pillar to a bright ball of light above me I could see the 4 arcangels around the base where I was standing also I could see some of the paths like tunnels of bluish light some were whitish yellow..there was mist like clouds all around, I could see other angels vaguely around the tree I could'nr see beyond the sphere above me as it was quite bright white light I have virtually no experience with travel on the tree not that advanced yet, but I slept great and had a great day when I woke up and what I asked the angels to help me with camee to pass..This didn;'t happen the next time I tried placing it on my forehead, but it sure helps sleeping with it on my chest or solarplexis thanks everybody and blessings sincerely Lightning777
This post has been edited by Lightning777: Dec 14 2011, 09:50 PM