Babalon: I am embarking on a project and am supremely interested in collecting candid anecdotes from practitioners who have done Babalon workings: the experience and the aftermath. I wrote a quick essay about a year or so ago, published in kult ov kaos ezine, in which I briefly touched on it, with my premise being based on what is known about Crowley (ie, the Vision and the Voice) and Jack Parsons and also Phil Hine's notes about a Babalon working and that of a close friend. You may PM me here to share you experience as well.
Leaving aside those principles of magic that play on the superstitious and that, whatever they be, are unworthy of the general public, we will direct our thoughts only to those things that contribute to wisdom and that can satisfy better minds . . . -from De Magia by Giordano Bruno (born 1548; burned at the stake February 16, 1600). My Webpage