Thanks for that, i didn't know about the Findhorn foundation actually so you've gone an educated me, very interesting.. their's quite a few organisations like that about, we love em.
Nothing much is new in this world (except perhaps the diversity) so i'm not surprised.
I was just thinking that while power animals an plant spirits have always been worshiped, their ancestors and the ancestors of less lucky species are still quite an un-tapped source of potential,
also, their isn't much in the way of a definitive structured system of communing with them, an to be fair, scientists might have need of something like it in the future.
It's like a bit of a challenge.. Their's lots of forgotten spirits, some alive, some not, some continuing to evolve in another dimension, some simply with so much ancestry that their nature has changed them beyond recognition.
So the way i see it.. their's a lot of evocation based systems build to be used from books alone, people have been doing it for years, must be able to put together a working template from all that.
It seems like the natural progression of all this jazz, especially in the light of all the relatively new historical evidence, to get a general not-to-fancy but covering all the bases arcaine template for the creation of personifications tailored to channel the spiritual essences of any once living organism along with a safe an respectful way to utalise them.
Lets face it, it's got to be a fairly interesting task to go through the various theory's involved in creating a 'system of magick'
For example; These 'spiritual essences' could already be used to this sort of thing, an some might not be even vaguely familiar with consciousness as we know it.
In a way it should be like creating a special type of egregor, however, if it's already a developed entity (i.e. the ritual having been already done OR having naturally formed) it should instead strengthen said entity an make it feel welcome.
As a programmer i'd say it needs a Constructor Body and Destructor.
As a lazy bastard and a terrible host (many times ive been somewhat reprimanded for shoddy/non-existent preparation) i'd say it might need some kind of auto-tailored astral commune platform to reside in temporarily.
Like some kind of mutually visulisable welcome-mat or virtual summoning alter.
Also some means to help all participants in this strange meeting to reach the mental state of being required to make use of it.
Imagine being able to summon and commune with the spirit of a strain of flu virus.. The very presence of a human and the knowledge that would present may convince it to lessen it's deadly quality's to preserve itself.
..or it might take over the world.. unlikely i hope.. something to consider though..
It usually boils down to a Picture a Word an a Form to 'dial-in' but their needs to be a margin for change or additions to these dial-in's, it would only really all be worth the hassle if people could up-date information as they come across it.
Maybe an accompanying computer program or website.
I'd like this to be a bit of a group project to be honest, cos i'm lazy an this well might take me a decade otherwise.
Any suggestions welcome (IMG: