Ave all! First off I would like to apologise for the long , rambling post to come. It is mostly me thinking" out loud" and I hope you folks can help me out by pointing out where I've completely missed the point and maybe ask me some questions that I may get a clearer understanding. As most of you who have read my last few posts know, I have been looking into the rituals of the Aurum Solis. I am currently working through the study guide outlined in the back of the book "Foundations of High Magick" and the rituals given in "Mysteria Magica", both by Denning and Phillips. One of the rituals in M.M. , called The Setting of the Wards of Power, could be considered the A.S. version of the LBRP in that it is a "banishing" rite in that it makes use of certain God-names in the quarters and calls on the archangels to guard one's sacred space and I am sure that most of you are familiar with the archangels used in the LBRP and which of the elements each corresponds to. Well the A.S. uses different archangels for the elements and quarters and this has me somewhat confused. Backtracking just a bit, there are two versions of the Setting of the Wards of Power 1) a Hebrew 2) a Greek. In the study guide the authors suggest learning the hebrew version first and this is the one that I am writing about. The authors state that the S.W.P. sets up one's Briatic defenses and the archangels used are: Ruachiel, air; Ashiel, fire; Miel, water; and Auphiriel for earth. According to the book " The Sword and the Serpent" they correspond to the 11th, 31st, 23rd and 32nd(bis) paths respectively and to the hebrew letters aleph, shin, mem, and tau. Here is one of the things that has me confused. In a post, either here or on OF, concerning the differences between the sephirotic archangels and those of the same name used in the LBRP the poster says that those used in the LBRP are Assiatic archangels. What are briatic defenses and what's the significance of/ reason for the use of "Briatic archangels" as opposed to "Assiatic archangels" and vice versa? Thank you for bearing with me, G.L.B.