the 8 parts (where wicca got the idea?) plus also the "nameless day" of the solstice{eventide?} makes 9 (if they follow the pseudo-christian nameless day, when the day of sacrifice gave up everything, even to its name - april 15th, tax day?)- broken into phases of the moon, reflecting seasons of the earth (remember the locale) - painted picts and anti-roman sentiments - a tree to each part (like the web thing did it?), also a whole lot more things to each part besides just trees and plants and even times and places - most make sense, like sun and sunny things, and misty and misty things (fog season=winter?), and 5 element things(? - unknown) - it is the woods of ygdrassil, the primordial tree, in order from root to leaf tip, that reflect personages of the parts of the individual sections of the ygdrassil woods as they are found scattered growing upon the earth during the seasons/parts
i have no personal memories in this time period, so it is difficult, but that's what i got - see if any of it makes sense to you - the fae share some of the celtic knowledge, since they are the ones that gave it to the celts (according to the fae)
Willow of the streams - willow wand - divination(to follow the flow of the stream, even underground where it cannot be seen, follow the willows) Hazel of the rocks - hazel wand - water/dowsing Alder of the marshes - alder wand - crafting/witchcraft Birch of the waterfalls - birch wand - growth/biirth(a cradle of birch and alder) Rowan of the shade - rowan wand - protection(when peeled is white like the moon?)- arrows? Yew of resilience - yew wand - 'great bow'/ heralrdric/family line/ancestors - yams and lands Elm of the brae - elm wand - low - the calliach/interlopers/interference Oak of the sun - oak wand - high - power/solar sap(?)/bloodsports/war Ash of the shadows - ash wand - day of sacrifice - omniburous (snake biting tail) - burns itself up very quickly to give up its powers to the wearer?
best i can do, sorrry
This post has been edited by esoterica: Apr 16 2009, 08:51 AM