When I was in a new house, when I was about nine or so (right before I starting reading things on the occult), I was visited by this *thing* for three successive nights. It looked almost identical to the thing from the movie (creature from the black lagoon), but I have never seen the movie (and I don't think I saw a picture of it before then). The only differences were that it had long legs and arms, and it had glowing red round eyes (and of course it was translucent). It would crawl very low the the floor by my side of the bed, and then would arise and etch closer to me while staring at me. I would blink and cover my head, and it would still be there...etcing towards my face. I finally had to disbelieve in it.
Now, after my second sight spell, I think it is returning to me. Last night, I was thrown into a panic attack, and I could feel it in my room. It seems that in a split second it was going to start crawling and etching towards me, and I forced myself into the deepest sleep I could muster. I now realize that I have to face it, but how can I summon it? Once I do, how can I overcome it for good? That thing scares the pee out of me, and I just want some ideas.
I do have some weird things following me lol.
Hello! What can the Universe do for/to you today?