In a very simplified form:
A meta-narrative for Heterosexual Tantra is God incarnating as/through man, Goddess incarnating as/through woman, and heterosexuality as the analogical manifestation (the “earthly enactment”) of their Deific creation. Just as God and Goddess conjugate on the Deific level and create the universe – man and woman can conjugate on the human level and can create a new human life.
A meta-narrative for Homosexual Tantra is God incarnating as/through man, Goddess incarnating as/through woman, and homosexuality as the analogical manifestation (the “earthy enactment”) of Deific realization. Just as God recursively realizes who He is on the Deific level through reflective revelation, men can engage homosexuality for reflectively revealing how they respectively express, learn, apotheologically realize God through and with each other. Just as Goddess recursively realizes who She is on the Deific level through reflective revelation, women can engage homosexuality for reflectively revealing how they respectively express, learn, and apotheologically realize Goddess through and with each other.
1. The above does NOT play into the popular approach which requires homosexual men to adopt, express, and engage each other as complementary meta-sexual genders to meet the criteria for fulfilling heterosexually focussed Tantric dynamics. There is no need for a man to get "in touch with his feminine side” and express it sexually with another man who is "in touch with his masculine side", in order for their Tantra supposedly to succeed. And this all also applies to homosexual women.
2. The above are explanation crafted from my ongoing life experience of both heterosexuality and homosexuality (I am bisexual and practice both forms of Tantra). Those meta-narratives are not authoritative for, or necessarily reflective of, all people who are heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual.