It sounds like you've tried to establish a strong material link with this servitor. That can have its advantages as well as disadvantages.
The 'Charging of the Sigil' is the crux of the situation. This is when you are 'verbalizing/articulating' the basic intent of your servitor.
This embodies the purpose of your work! There are a multitude of energizing methods to 'sparking' of the Sigil, ranging from concentration of thought to the use of sexual release. Any/all can work! The time directly following this can be crucial...and is often the most argued over by practioners. In My Humble (yeah, right...) Opinion, IMHO, the time directly after the Charging is one of the key moments to your piece of work. Walk away from it! Put it out of your mind! Find something else to do! By doing this, one allows the sub- and/or the un-concious mind time to work. By immediately looking for validation one will bleed off whatever charge you built up to energize the Sigil! You don't need to validate...since, of course, it worked!
Try not to talk about this procedure/work with anybody. They don't need to know, silence is prudent (for a variety of reasons). Ever hear of the old cliche (I'm a King of/in Cliche) : "Too many cooks spoil the broth..."??? You bleed power away with leaks.
About two days/three days afterwards, call your servitor and re-energize the sigil. Meditate and center yourself, then invoke the servitor. Ask it/him/her questions that are within its realm of working.. When you finish, energize it and send it back to work, to come when summoned or to whatever parameters that you have already set.
You are well on your way! Good Journey! (IMG: