Regardie slates it as being, ''black magic'' in his book, 'The Tree of Life' and it dosen't seem to get much play in other texts either, Karig gives it as some mundane way of rendering oneself invisible and from there it dosen't get much mention from others.
Personally think that first off, it dosen't work and isn't likely to, unless a person is a full adept perhaps, tangiable pentagrams and all, theres no way a person can shroud their physical selves, took its mention in Modern Magic to be more allegorical, him shrouding himself from the police implying its use in magic when a person needs to shroud their aura from malvolent imposing forces/entities.
Was a time when I seemed to be drawing a lot of negative attention to myself at one point I felt two distinct, negative, entities in my room at night... took to doing the R.C to round off my daily practice and felt/percivied something attempting to find myself, negative energies ingeneral had a hard time ''getting though'' to myself at that time also, and, although I haven't used it for this purpose there are times when a Mchawis* aura radiates, times when one come across as being a bit diffrent when around others, the R.C ritual again has its purpose here enshrouding the aura from those who would otherwise find such things a bit odd and enquire as to what is going on exactly.
*Mchawi is swahili for Magician btw.