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 Prayers to the elementals, and kings.
post Sep 15 2005, 11:08 AM
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Prayer of the Sylphs: East.

" O Spirits of the Wisdom of light, whose breath breaths the seed of life unto all things, whom taketh away life with thy absence. Thou who ascends upon the wings of the Eagle, and descends like the Dove. Thou whose breath ascends and descends, ever cycling in movement. Thou who binds all things, and infuses all things with Thy breath. O Penetrating mind, O All Knowing Air, we praise Thy Glory, and Bless Thy coming forth. O Reflecting images of dreams, O Imaginating intelligence, Thou whose instability shall become as fire, whose breath gives birth to the soul. No more shall we be ruled by fickle minds as we ride upon the Eagles wings. O Spirits of Air, O Imperishable ones, O spirits of the East, O Sylphs, we call Thee forth in all Thy Glory. Come as you are, come with the four winds who hold up the coming times. Bring forth Thy strength and descend upon us. O Spirits of the Air we call Thee forth, O Divine seed of the breath, come forth, come forth. Amen."

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post Sep 15 2005, 11:09 AM
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Prayer of the Salamanders: South

" Glorious light, Eternal Flames, All Consuming Fire. O Salamanders who discern all things, whose power is exalted, whose power is UN-matched. Thou whose fingers consume life, whose breath gives warmth, whose eyes look unto the hidden depths. O Golden Splendor, O Silvery Light. Thy Majesty shines even unto the stars. O Sparkling fire. Thou who brings forth rebirth, Thou who purifies with the flames of purification, Thou who feeds life, Thou who consumes death. O spirits of Illusions, O Spirits of the Electric forces. O Mighty Spirits. O Spirits of Fire, come with Thy Glorious Splendor, shine forth upon us, consume the shadows and bring forth Thy light. Thou whose time is near, whose flames shall bring forth the coming Judgement, burn in us our inequities. O Great Beings of the South, come as the flickering flames of the fire, come O Great Spirits of the flames, come. Amen."

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post Sep 15 2005, 11:10 AM
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Prayer to the Undines: West

" O Spirits of the watery realms, Thy who brings forth life in abundance. O Undines, O Great Elemental Beings of the oceans, seas, rivers, ponds, lakes, streams, pools, fountains, and all other abysses of water. O Spirits of the blood of life, O unstable ones who constantly move, Whose grace flows upon all things. O Sustainers, O Spirits who speak in movements, flowing within the emotions of life. O Regenerating ones, who washes away all impurities, Who haste brought forth the floods of the Heavens. O Healing Suave, O Giver of the Gift of Life. Thy whose depths reflects thy heights, Thy whose sacrifice brings forth life. O Spirits of water, O Spirits of the west, we call Thee forth. Rain upon us and come forth as the four rivers that floweth from Eden, bringing unto us the seeds from the Tree of Life. Come forth, come forth, we invoke Thee, come in Thy Gentle Guise, O come Magnificent ones, come. Amen."

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post Sep 15 2005, 11:11 AM
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Prayer to the Gnomes: North

" O Spirits of the Element of Earth, O Friendly Ones. Thy who shakes the earth with Thy laughter. Thy who shapes the seven metals. Thy whose Glory is reflected in the twelve stones of the temple. Thy whose strength shines forth from the breast plate of Aaron. Thy who work unremittingly. Thy who reaches the very core of life. O Spirits of Earth, O strong Ones, O Knowledge holders of the four corner mysteries. O Spirits who hide in the roots, whose houses are in the trees, and in the herbs. Who goes unnoticed in the subterranean realms. Thy whose strength and patience goes UN-matched. Bring forth Thy Abundance from Thy Treasure Houses, bring forth Thy love. I call Thee forth. O Gnomes, O Spirits of the Earth, Come we invite Thee, Come forth from Thy homes, O Spirits of the North, come forth. Amen"

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post Sep 15 2005, 11:14 AM
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Before going any further I'd like to say from just the fact that when I got the following the magician was talking about seeing the kings, and conversing with them, that I think he meant Evocation, and not invocation.

Invocation to Paralda:

" O Great King of the Air, O Paralda, we call upon Thee. O Lord of the Breath, Carrier of the seeds of Life, holder of the divine sciences, guide of the dreams, care taker of the four winds: Eurus, Notus, Zephyrus, Boreas. O Great King of the Air, O gentle Lord of the Spirit, O Vengeful wind of the Earth, come we invite Thee, come as the Thunder, come as the flower, come forth as the wind, O Great King of the Air. Amen"

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post Sep 15 2005, 11:15 AM
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Invocation to Djin:

" Djin, all consuming, bright, joyful fire of the Celestial Heavens. Enlighten our hearts, souls, and minds with a spark of Thy Wisdom. O King of the Infernal flames of retribution, burn away from us all darkness. O Shadow burner, O destroyer of darkness, Ye who comes as the Lion. O red flames upon the black flames of life. O Star of the Sacred Night. O Father of life, Creator, Sustainer, Destroyer. O Great King of the South and Lord of the Flames. I humbly beseech Thy presents, come as quick as the lightening. O Great King of Fire, come forth and enlighten our circle, come forth. Amen."

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post Sep 15 2005, 11:16 AM
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Invocation to Nichsa:

" O King of the Divided waters. O Lord of the Four rivers of Eden. O Emperor of the four rivers of the Infernal Realms. O Regenerating King of Life, care holder of the Elixir of Immortality, Bestower of Gifts, Granter of Blessing, Lord of Beauty. O Lord of the Vengeful waters of the flood, O Great King of the Sea, come as the rain, and water our circle with the Heavenly Dew of Wisdom. Grace us with your presence, Bless us with Your Beauty. O Nichsa, come forth from Thy depths and grace us with Thy conversation, come forth. Amen."

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post Sep 15 2005, 11:17 AM
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Invocation to Ghob:

" Ghob, King of the Earth. Lord whose hair is the trees and whose beard is the roots, whose blood is the waters, whose breath is the winds, and whose heart is the very fiery core that sustains life. O King whose eyes see and know all things. O Blacken Twinkling eyes which reach the inner depths, and whose reflection echoes the abysmal caverns. O Lord of the four created things. O Master of the clay, shaper of life, receiver of all things. O Great Powerful King, whose shrug shakes the vaults of the Earth, we call Thee forth, we patiently await your presence. Come O Great King of the Earth, come Ghob with Thy strength and with Thy Might. Amen."

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post Sep 15 2005, 11:19 AM
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Final post, lol. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)

Exorcism of Elemental Spirits:

" Serpent, in the name of the TETRAGRAMMATON, the Lord; He commands Thee, by the angel and the lion. Angel of darkness, obey and run away with this Holy (exorcised) water. Eagle in chains, obey this sign, and retreat before the breath. Moving serpent, crawl at my feet, or be tortured by this sacred fire, and evaporate before this holy incense. Let water return to water; let fire burn, and let the air circulate; let the earth return to the earth by the virtue of the pentagram, which is the morning star, and in the name of the TETRAGRAMMATON which is traced in the center of the cross of light. Amen."

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post Oct 1 2005, 01:36 AM
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Thank you SangueDiNapoli,
I found the texts most helpful and have saved a copy of them for personal practice...
†Christopher Raven†

"Now I want, spirits to enforce and art to enchant, and my ending is dispair, unless I be relieved by prayer...And as you from your crimes would pardoned be, let your indulgence set me free" W.S. The Tempest - Pospero

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post Oct 28 2005, 07:54 PM
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Sorry if I seemed rude in the sense I didn't say a "you're welcome", or replied to your reply, but I didn't see that anyone had replied to this. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)


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post Jun 23 2006, 03:57 AM
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Thank you for this wonderful resource SangueDiNapoli,

Your great efforts have not gone unnoticed my friend, excellent work.


Student SAE World HQ

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"The power to perceive the Universe accurately,"
"To analyze, coordinate, and judge impressions,"
"Is the foundation of all Great Works."

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post Aug 23 2006, 12:48 PM
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These prayers are great and very useful for every day offerings to the elementals. It is a good start for the beginner to get familiar and to let the elementals know how much interest you have in them and their help. I will make copies of this and put them in my book of elementals. Everyday is a learning experience and every little bit of knowledge to add. My personal encyclopedia is growing everyday thanks to Brothers like you that are willing to share some of their knowledge. Thanks.

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post Aug 23 2006, 05:28 PM
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Well, I'm glad they've been so useful to you! I wish I could say they come from me, but they don't & the site I was going to give credit to up & dissapeared before I got the chance to look Back. I have, however used these very sccessfuly & hope anyone who uses them has the same success!

.::Sempre Bene::..::Chris::..
-Fiat Lux

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post Aug 25 2006, 03:58 PM
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This stuff is incredible.

I noticed each prayer ends in "amen". Are these prayers somehow related to christianity? Forgive me, i'm just not familiar with how these prayers came to be.

This post has been edited by Levinacht: Aug 25 2006, 04:03 PM

When I say "steak", you say "rear". Ready? Steak!

Hail that Satan guy.

Thor and Odin are pretty cool too.

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post Aug 25 2006, 07:18 PM
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No, they're not Christian. In CM every spirit is under god, though (Traditionaly, ofcourse). So, there ya' go.

.::Sempre Bene::..::Chris::.
-Fiat Lux

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