as far as meditation goes, for me 'removing' thoughts or 'noticing' thoughts basically comes down to the same thing, it's just a matter of approach, i think? but i agree, the first time i read about meditation, i got some txtfile called 'still mind', it was part of some documents about lucid dreaming, and basically it contained a relaxation exercise and told you to not think about anything :-) [using the blue-sky w/clouds metaphore] .. anyway as a beginner that was pretty much impossible for me :-)
only after i got a book by David Fontana (i think it was called just "meditation"), a very friendly-written book, definitely good for beginners, also with pretty pictures :-) and easy exercises .. sorry i'm drifting off
for me, the most important tip is, practice (IMG:
style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) already after meditating five days every day for 10 minutes, it became soo much easier to clear your mind of intruding thoughts. at one time i just had the feeling a had them all there (the thoughts), filed neatly into some kind of thought-cabinet on the walls of my mind, with a big empty space in the middle (IMG:
another thing i wanted to say is about the closed-eye visuals people are reporting. i see them almost every time i close my eyes. the cloudy shapes (which are usually red/brown/purplish with me, depending on the ambient lighting in the room) turn into
really vidid images, usually faces, but nobody i know. they really look very vivid, like black-n-white video, not like some kind of rorschach interpretation of cloudy inkblot shapes. sometimes, often before i go to sleep, i also see a very vivid imagine of my bedroom, kind of from the perspective i'm (not) looking at, but when i close my eyes it always appears that i imagined(?) it slightly different than what i actually would see if i have my eyes open ..
i think it's really strange, but the images are pretty to look at, so i don't mind (IMG:
style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) i only wish i could look at them longer, it often feels like i'm straining my eyes, like i'm focusing on an object to close to my eyes [though i'm not sure if that's actually the case].
sorry for the long post, i can be a bit wordy (IMG:
style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) if anyone has any thoughts about this [interpretation, what to do with it, i dunno] i'd love to hear about it (IMG:
- poke
PS yes i know the scientific explanation would be that it's just the pattern-recognition bit in my brains that's kicking in [kudos to my brain then for making such realistic imagery (IMG:
style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) ], but as you all know there's a multitude of different ways of looking at the same phenomenon, and IMO they're all true