Magickal paths you've studied/practice: celtic, shaman, wicca, thelemic, hermetic, necromancy, ceremonial, Egyptian
Other paths of interest: mantic arts, alchemy
Do you practice divination? If so, which form?: cartomancy, geomancy, clarivoyance, clariaudience, clarisentience
Do you have psychic talents? yes
Favorite poet: haven't decided
Favorite musical artist or band: mostly in the genre of Hip Hop/rap...some rock and alt
Favorite book/s: too many to mentions most spiritual or esoteric
Favorite film/s: again way to many to mention here
Favorite quote: Truth defends itself!
Favorite television show: Supernatural, Stargate SG1 Stargate Atlantis
Do you have any hobbies? writing, nature walks
Anything else you wanna tell us? I'm a magickal mentor and teacher so feel free to ask me anything about anything related to magick