Hello, my name is Beth Winegarner. I'm an author and journalist.
I am gathering stories for a book that will help parents understand why their teens are interested in certain media, mainly heavy metal music, video games (especially violent video games), and/or alternative spiritual paths. Ultimately, I'm hoping to bridge the communication gap so that anxious parents can lay their fears to rest -- rather than assuming their kids are on a path to violence or self-destruction.
So, I'm looking for input from folks who developed an interest in any of these things as teens, and am hoping you'll respond to the following survey(s) to provide stories from your life. Information you provide may be used in the book, but will be used anonymously unless you request otherwise.
As pagans, I hope you'll answer that survey specifically, but if you were or are interested in the others, please feel free to answer all three. Thanks so much, in advance, for sharing your stories.
Teenagers and paganism/the occult:http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=pr9Vh1nvRGTFJmiwBanKHA_3d_3d
Teenagers and heavy metal music:http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=y3V0s1T83wwcd7ltk3K4Gg_3d_3d
Teenagers and video games:http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=Poqn7fJBgDlUd0gPdTXVCQ_3d_3d