I really appreciate all the great responses, and you've all sparked some interesting questions in my head about the nature of attaining OOBEs that I've moved to the appropriate category.
But that last post was really what I was looking for, Goibniu! (IMG:
Trying to build up my weak chakras makes a lot of sense(I'm actually rather embarrassed I didn't think of it, seems rather obvious in retrospect), and also mentioning auras makes me realize that, while I've read up on them somewhat, I've never actually tried to see/do anything with them. Also, your description of some of the qi gong exercises seems like something that I'd be very willing to learn about and put into practice. I'm good with learning and keeping to a resolution(like doing a few exercises everyday) but unfortunately I just don't have the time, patience, or desire to learn a whole system like the kundalini yoga.
Thanks for the advice, and feel free to share any more you might have. (IMG: