QUOTE(brokenhearth @ Aug 26 2009, 01:34 PM)
why they say that the Necronicon is fake and at the same time it can be very dangerous?
well people like to say that things are dangerous... cuz danger is an inherent part of existence, and a handy excuse for not trying things.
...as to why they say it is 'fake' but that it can 'work' :
well... the content is courtesy of H.P. Lovecraft, and it is fictional. Of *some* interest is the fact that lovecraft is obviously an occultist hismelf, and that may cause him to relate more easily 'workable' systems of magick practice than he might otherwise. But how can something 'fictional' have power? Well look at "God", the christian god for example. 4,000 years ago, nobody ever heard of this 'god'. someone, somewhere along the line, made him up (thanks a lot abraham).
so, currently about 1-1.5 billion people believe that this god created the universe, and can do anything (not counting islamic variations on the theme). And many of these people pray for things (theurgic magick), worship, etc. Is their 'god' actually powerful, capable of causing real world effects? speaking from experience, I'd say "yes". But that doesn't mean his origin is any less fictional. Actually a great deal of western esoteric magick depends on this principal to work, since a lot of it was invented only 500 or fewer years ago... not that stuff which is invented thousands or years ago is more 'true', just that they have more social force behind them.
so basically, 'belief' itself can do stuff. and shared belief between multiple people, can do 'more'. So the fictional stuff in the necronomicon, has the potential for potency.
anyway, the real reason people say it is fake, and are often the same people who say it is dangerous was already posted :
QUOTE(Penny_Lane @ Sep 2 2009, 07:49 AM)
Many people who disagree with the politics or spiritual beliefs implicit in the Necronomicon claim that it is "fake." Many of the same people also claim that it is "dangerous," mainly because they are hoping that you will not research it for yourself.
This post has been edited by Kath: Dec 3 2009, 06:25 AM