I agree with my fellow posters - there is no need at all to pick a path, less still to stick with one to the exclusion of all others.
As your general magickal knowlege becomes broader and your understanding becomes deeper (and this process is, at the very least, lifelong...) you'll start to see that wisdom harvested from one branch of knowledge fertilises the fruit of another - cross-pollinating your soul with truth, as it were. The bee is not a symbol of wisdom because it picks one flower and sticks to it.
In my studies, I quickly found a 'specialisation' that suited my temprement, personality, circumstances, desires and needs, and I'm happy to say that the time spent studying it deeply has been more than twice-rewarded. I like the meditative discipline of rigorous enquiry. But continuing to read, experiment, think and pray on other paths has been invaluable to me, not only in enriching my study of that subject but in life as a whole.
Many people find that structure useful: broad enquiry, but with a specific "major" that calls to you personally.
And don't forget the treasures hidden in plain sight: science, psychology, astronomy, literature, the visual arts. The more flowers from which you can harvest, the sweeter and more nourishing the honey.
Welcome to our commuity, and good luck in your quest.