Im practicing lucid dreaming and OBE at the moment but I like to smoke weed.
and I have quit just for OBE training. I get to stressed and I hurt people around me.
So you are psychologically dependent on marijuana? Have you considered trying to do something about it? Like getting personal help for it? No ill judgement on my part but if the problem is weed then why not change it. If you do not want to change it, then you're accepting that you're going to have difficulty working with dreams and astral travel. Weed does affect people differently. One of the common affects I have heard of is that when people start smoking weed occassionally that it boost their psychic abilities and intensifies dreams and such. But when people smoke regularly it actually degrades psychic potential - at least that seems to be the case for you. Again, weed affects people differently. Even when I used to smoke weed by the grip I still had wild dreams and such.
so I had to start smoking again. my nerves can not take it,
Marijuana significantly reduces testosterone levels. Testosterone, among many other functions, can also affect mood. People who have high testosterone tend to learn more towards the type "A" personallity (the real go getters). People with lower testosterone tend to learn more toward the type "B" personality (the more relaxed and mellow types). So the weed, by reducing your testosterone levels, is altering your personality - literally and I'm not joking. When you smoke weed you feel that calm mellow side. But without it, you feel overwhelmed, stressed, agitated, irritable even violent. Its a real psychological addiction one that most people need help to over come.
But you don't sound like you are interested in quiting either. And hey to each their own! But don't be in denial over your addiction.
so Im wondering. since I dont dream when I smoke pot.
is there some way I can have both
You still dream its just the weed alters your brain waves while you sleep such that it is hard to remember them - weed impairs memory and dreams and memory kinda go hand in hand.
I do believe that you can smoke weed and have lucid dreams and all that other stuff (I did it for years). I would suggest that you at least reduce the amount you smoke or at least only smoke at certain times.
Beyond that I think you should check out my thread:
http://www.sacred-magick.org/index.php?showtopic=5431I have attempted to try and help people to learn various ways to increase the number of lucid dreams they have. I think you should really be using a dream journal and try hard to remember what you dream. When you go to bed tell yourself "I will remember my dreams in the morning". Even if you don't try to write something down (other than "I didn't dream last night"). And this takes real practice. So don't expect results immediately. It may even take 2 weeks or longer before you can remember your dreams in any detail. But once you are that point experiment with some of the techniques I mentioned in that thread I posted. And remember sometimes its just all about attitude. If you set yourself up for failure you cannot hope to succeed. So don't be an "I can't" thinker, at least when it comes to lucid dreams.