so . . . actually, since the servitor is made from our "stuff", molded into for by our will, operating on our directive, and ending its existance on our directive . . . we, Will and ego, are the servitors higher-self.
In a sense, we're like gods of creation ( . . . . or if you a guy, like women (IMG:
style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) )
Or, Cloud Hex, am I missing some intermediating theory, between my self and the existance of my servitor (a piece of myself split off and given temporary distinct differentiated identity) ?
Is there some spiritual aspect to a servitor the is more then what it recieves from it creator? (though I wouldn't argue this with certain throughforms, like an egragore . . )
I tend to operate, in relation to my servitors, as if there is always a direct connection between myself and it . . . however tenious.
I see if VERY similarly to the concept of the OBE/AP silver cord.
But I have trouble seeing more, in a higher spiritual way, to that connection. The closest I can get is that WE are thier "high self".
What am I missing?