A little backround first:
I have been singing since i was 13-14, school choir and what not, have been in one band in another school as well. I've recently taken up playing the violin, cant really say why, i just decided i wanted to actually learn to play something other than my voice one day and thought the violin was perfect (I have small hands/fingers for a guy, so violin "fits"). I've been playing about 6 months now. My family has extensive backround in music (Father played several instruments, same with uncles and grandfather).
Now onto my opinions/thoughts, as i said earlier dureing our PM's, in no real coherent order:
Music has always been a very emotional thing for me. Depending on the type of music, it cant effect my mood dramatically. Memories are often closley associated with the music i listen to (People, be they lovers or just friends, and places mostly). Since i almost always run to music, it has become a trance-inducing tool, and i often ghost write to music (ironically, most of my best poetry comes when im lost in the music while ghost writing).
My understanding is that there is a rythm to everything. In music, we learn the rythm by looking at the time signature (3/4,4/4 or C, 6/8 etc etc), dureing life, however, we dont have the benifit of a time signature. But that isnt to say that there isnt a rythm none-the less. There is a rythm to everything, as i said, this include driving, running, typing, breathing (big one), and especially fighting and dancing, and i mention them together because they are so closley related. My belief is that if one can find this rythm, figure out the time signature for whatever it is that they are doing, they will exceed expectations and do amazing thing in what it is they are doing. Hence the reason you see fighters who "flow", whose movements are so smooth it looks as if they are water, and they are never touched; the same reason you see driver who weave in and out of dangerous courses with perfect precision, the reason you see runners who just never seem to have to stop, etc etc
Then there is the spirit of music. Major and minor keys play a big part here (one major, 3 minor: harmonic, melodic and natural). The spirit of major key music is mostly upbeat (Konstantinos touches very lightly on this in his introduction in "Nocturnal Witchcraft"), and mostly this kind of music evokes a happy, funny, determined or perhaps even courageous state when someone listens to it (barring, of course, memories are associated with it to the contrary). Minor key music, on the other hand, is haunting, and has a dreary, scary and sometimes (perhaps most of the time, depending on the genre) angry tone to it. If the spirit of the music, or the key, does not match the words, there can be severe conflict within someone. Their soul is responding to the key, while the mind is responding to the words, you can see the dilema.
And lastly, singing. Singing is a very interesting one, as everyone has their own unique voice. Depending on the type of music, some singing is loud or soft, and this, yet again, apeals to our emotions. If you think of, say, Evanescence, and some of their new songs. When Amy Lee sings, she has a very airy tone about her, IE: it sounds as if she was whispering the song in your ear, IE: she is very very close to you. In some people, this makes for an uncomfortable situation, where as other people embrace it. Still, i havnt gone to in depth as far as singing goes, but it does go along the same routes as the major/minor keys, the only difference being the words, which may mean one thing or something completley different (music videos, for example, are sometimes nothing like what we would envision).
Just my .02
I cast my lot with the shadows. May the Gods and Godesses of Night hear my words and welcome me into their embrace. So mote it be.