Hello. I have just started in magick. I have read liber null, futureritual and i am now reading 11 lessons in magick. Does this all worrk? I have tried a seduction spell multiple times, but it seems it has done nothing. Is magick real??? Also is there a link between magick and law of attraction? Do you think law of attraction works? Any way here is the spell, in any case:
1) Form your statement of intent. 2) Energize with breathing. 3) Create your magickal self and zip it up inside you. 4) Sit in your circle. 5) Visualize and feel a circle of energy. It becomes a tunnel to the target. 6) Reach out and yank the tube into your physical space. Get the sense that the actual person is standing there in your circle. 7) Create a golden rapport bubble surrounding you both. 8) In imagination, open arms and greet warmly. (Alternative: shake hands warmly.) 9) See your energy extending from your solar plexus to theirs. Represent the same thing also connecting your third eyes (middle of your forehead) and your groins. 10) Unzip the target, releasing their energy. 11) Unzip yourself, allowing your energy to flow into the target. 12) Physically reach out and remove the target’s head, lowering it over your own. 13) Mentally say, “As I place this head on mine, I automatically and unconsciously absorb everything I need to seduce and influence this person.” 14) Place their head back on their own body. 15) Mentally step around behind the target. Imagine your arms around her. Imagine you can feel what she would feel. Simultaneously imagine the sensations from both perspectives. 16) The two of you now watch a movie screen that shows the two of you doing whatever it is that you want the two of you to be doing. 17) As this occurs, describe to her all the benefits and values and good feelings that flow to her as a result. (You should be able to do this in order for it to work.) 18) Step into the target on the movie screen. Feel what she feels as she’s doing whatever she is doing. 19) Step into the target as she’s standing in the circle, watching the movie play. Feel what she feels as she watches herself. 20) Keep narrating to her how she is responding. Specifically tell her about her own responses. Make sure you give her warm, safe, comfortable feelings before you turn up the heat to more exciting feelings. 21) Step outside of all that. You’re still in the circle with her; see her standing before you. Say, “You want this now, don’t you!” 22) Hear and see her give her ascent: “Yes, yes I do.” Then zip up her energy meridians. Lock them closed, locking those thoughtforms inside her. 23) See the energy of those thoughtforms vibrating within her, and spreading up, down, and all throughout her body. 24) Tell her, “Go. Make these thoughts your own, until you’re compelled to act on them.” [At this point on the tape, Ross instructs the students to cross out the next three steps in this ritual that appeared on the original handout. I left them out of this document as well, as they were unnecessary.] 25) Zip up your own energy meridians. 26) Close the ritual by saying, “My will is now truly and well done.” (Or something to that effect.)