I came across a yahoo group recently.
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/vehicletransference/I was reading a couple of the articles and it seems to me that the writer knows enough about the subject that it may be possible. Essentially, you would have to have two people who are cooperative about the project, both being able to perform astral projection. Using special techniques they exchange their connections to their bodies and enter the new body.
What I'd suggest is that interested people who have experience in astral projection have a look at the filed articles. The one or two at the top of the file list seem to contain the essentials. I don't want to post someone else's articles without their permission, but yahoo groups are easy to join.
From what I can see the theory seems to hold together, but theory is only one part of the workability of something of this sort. The idea itself seems unbelievable so I seem to have trouble getting my head around the possibility that it might work. (IMG:
style_emoticons/default/compress.gif) I'm not sure whether it actually has been done or not. For one thing, finding someone whom you know who both has the skill or ability to astrally project and who is willing to exchange bodies seems rare. I figured that you guys would be able to give me a reality check and I value your input, especially some of the more senior members. (IMG:
Hey if it does work then it might be another option for people who feel that they were born the wrong gender. Match them up with someone else of the opposite sex who has the same issue and teach them to do it. lol There are probably other possibilities for temporary or permanent exchanges if you think about it.