But this is true of life in general. Go to the gym. Wackos there. Go to a bar. Whackos there. And Whacko is relative anyway. Certified geniuses are almost always whacko. Look at Mozart. Utter genius. Nearly insane. My hero.
I use the term Whacko jokingly, by the way. Insanity is relative. I'm anti dogma, and by virtue of that I can't judge behaviors in other contexts. It's societal norms that place labels on people (and dogmatic beliefs). So, if someone seems a little odd, they're not necessarily insane, they're probably very creative. Creativity = Magick (my ultimate definition... the creative will, my slight modification on Crowley). Crowley was viewed as nuts by some, brilliant by others, antisocial by most, but he's my hero anyway.
Jesus was almost certain viewed as insane by the dogmatic of his day. Same with Galileo, Buddha... all visionaries, all probably thought of as dangerous quacks. All brilliant.
So, I HOPE magick draws the visionaries, because it's the ultimate expression of creativity, invention, science, and MIND.
And, then, there probably are some emotionally distraut people in Occult shops. But I see them everywhere. They're not particular to the occult at all. If magick can bring them a grounding to their life, I think that can be a good thing.