It's strange that you should call it that because that's exactly what i called a technique i used ages ago.
Honestly, i just made up the name cos it seemed appropriate.
It brings me back to the time when i first started seriously enchanting things, an doing lots of MDMA (IMG:
My first project was to echant this little shinny black stone (attracted to magnets) to become realy good at sucking energy out of the holder (while learning to do so) an to use that energy to teach the holder how to vampire others! it was such a simple logical loop an worked a treat, it was also meant to an send off a portion o the energy to another stone which was to be kept with a little plant in order for it to grow quicker.
The plant died, quickly. The black stone however became one of the strongest enchantments I've ever experienced, it was such a strange experience being so capable of sucking the life out of anything, the tiredness didn't seem to matter in the
slightest because it put you into the state of mind to draw from other sources, the lack of personal energy was just a bonus for one-way osmosis.
I gave it to a friend, then to another, then to another, they loved it! the power!!!! It kept growing!!!
I knew it wasn't a good thing to leave with any one person for too long, it was tooooooooo moreish, so it's with an un-magical friend, in a draw somewhere.
It did however, inspire me to make stones of a similar intent to learn other skills, i called them vamperic stones because that's how they get the energy to do what they do.
It must be said that its a flawed technique that i don't use much now-days, for the simple law of thumb that you become what you create, an their is no such thing as a one way street.
I was told at a wedding years later (by a man i didn't know in a city miles away, proper coincidence) that a school head master living two doors down my street was fired for going 'crazy' because he brought his stones to an assembly
of 4-11 year old's and began talking to his stones an expecting everyone to be able to hear them talk back! that was a few years before i began my own stone-crazy experience lol.
It's strange how while trying not to learn from the traditional means can have you learn strait from what-ever happens to be floating in the air at the time.