All these ideas about high and low! What separates the two is intent, not tools or structure - The ritual of high magick is aimed at illumination, realization, knowledge and conversation... et al. The ritual of Low Magick is aimed at causing change in the environment in accordance with the will, when that change is not designed to further the goals of high magick.
If you are burning candles and using home made incense to purify yourself, your will, and your purpose, you are performing a rite of high magick. If you use complicated ceremonial appurtenances to enact a curse, low magick. The technique is irrelevant, only the intent.
Use what works, forget the rest. Get the deep mind to sit up and take notice, cultivate one pointed consciousness, use what working tools create shivers at your spine.
Remember, that a seemingly low magick ritual may be part of a strategy to progress in high magick. Perhaps one feels that with enough money they might be able to devote unlimited time to enlightenment... you can see where this is going.
In the western tradition, we use tools to crystallize our focus and better represent different ideas and foci that we may need to complete a complicated operation. In the east it is done by mind alone. Tools are a crutch, but a very effective one; after all, no one begrudges a baby toodling around in a walker while practicing to walk.