This forum is for members here to trade/buy/sell occult products & services.
By using this forum you agree that Sacred-Magick.Com cannot be held responsible and will not take any complaints, etc. If you have a complaints about a seller/buyer then direct it to that someone in PRIVATE. Keep problems off the forum, please.
You can treat this forum like an auction site as well. Here is how. Post your item/s on topic title like this:
Topic Title: [AUCTION] - Your Item Topic Description: End: (ie:1 April 2005)
Topic Title: [SELL] - Your Item Topic Description: optional
Topic Title: [BUY] - Your Item Topic Description: optional
Topic Title: [TRADE] - Your Item/service Topic Description: optional
Topic Title: [SERVICE] - Your service Topic Description: optional
Make sure you provide detailed features of your item/service, starting bid, if you have one - post pictures of what you're selling, where are you shipping from, and indicate the currency in which your prices are listed, and if you can ship internationally, etc.
When you've sold your items or no longer offering services please place a note like below:
Once you've place a close note - ModSquad will close your thread, and you must start a new thread for new item/service.
Any questions post here please.