Since my purpose for Magickal work is focused on personal growth (theurgy) - instead of trying to be the "Great and Powerful Oz!" hurling spells around for sex and riches, and/or waging ostensible "magic warfare" with enemies - I've also noticed that the more I actually grow, then the less ritual work I do.
Oh, sure, when something is off I get on it. And yeah, I find that ritually landscaping the inner-verse can be both very entertaining and educational.
Yet I increasingly notice that as the soul sculpting progresses, the need for repeatedly summoning, invoking, evoking, banishing, and otherwise ritually magick tinkering with the dynamics of my inner-ecology has become far less than what it was when first getting started with The Art. To make a physical comparison, it's parallel with having reached the point with working out at the gym where it's maintenance with appropriate corrections, and not so much a super weightloss / muscle gain focused routine.
Developing progressive mastery with Zen is the means by which I apply the results of my soul sculpting through relationships with others.
So I understand what you mean, Vagrant Dreamer.
This post has been edited by Praxis: Nov 16 2011, 01:02 PM