I'm wondering what to do with it after it's been used on the alter!
I kept feeling awkward and guilty for chucking it down the loo, so i started keeping it in an old wine bottle, it's almost full now.
My alter water kept getting flys in it and i'd use essential oils as-well which would eventually get quite bacterial after a while, not sure what all this strange water will do if drunk..
I took my alter down the night before last after i got dumped, it's been up an changing for over 2 years, i just got pissed off that my psychological magical side had become so fixed in material symbolism,
get's so intense moving stuff around etc..
It's been a very rewarding experience having one for so long, really helps understanding the elements, i think the main reason for me having used one is that it helps smooth out the extra effects of a magical act (regulates repercussions etc)
helps organize the whole show though, triggers~(fire) identity's ~(water) places~(earth) an effects~(air). Or whatever other way you wana interpret their functions, very usefull.
I had a very messy Alter thinking about it, can't begin to remember what kind of spells i did,
probably why a lot of them seemed to fail..
I might make some wine with it.. i'd need to boil it, would that accidentally cleanse it do u think? pressure cooker any better?
Might be the key to making some of those blighters work!, glad i wrote this post (IMG: