What The Hell, uncle broke glass with magic |
Xenomancer |
Jun 2 2009, 03:55 PM
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QUOTE Sounds to me that he is friends with a djinn. He was probably able to summon the djinn and force it to obey his command. They are powerful spirits, that can do essentially anything. Obtaining authority over a djinn can yield powerful results. Sounds unlikely to be a Djinn, much less a friend. Suppose it was a Djinn. Do friends open up a book of incantations, and speak them aloud to puppet their friends into their bidding? What's more, obtaining authority over any spirit seems to be more of a contractual agreement in which there is some sort of exchange. The idea, however, of a human obtaining authority over any entity, in the context of "I hold absolute power over you" is truly ludicrous. Before you deconstruct the former sentence, take the following into account: If such an entity has control over such powers, then what's to stop this man from controlling people, who have no such power at their ready disposal? The other point is that in any conjuration, the only real authority is the authority of the contractual agreement, to which the wizard binds the said spirit to, and upon ratification, has the ability to enforce the contract. The only real entity a human could ever have control over are his or her own thought-forms emanating from his or her own self. The differentiation in power potential rules out the possibility of it being a Djinn. I will repeat what you said: QUOTE They are powerful spirits, that can do essentially anything. Like break bonds at will, and create/destroy at a flicker of thought without words? But lo, behold! QUOTE Obtaining authority over a djinn can yield powerful results. So, it seems as if there is a discrepancy here. If the Djinn can do anything, and becomes controlled by the wizard, this means that the wizard was more powerful. But, if the wizard was more powerful in the first place, why use a Djinn anyway? That's my main point. I don't mean to be stand-offish about it, but everytime someone references a Djinn, I keep getting this feeling of, "Oh gods, are they just being superstitious?" But, instead of me simply spouting out baseless objections, I am going to reason my way through instead, as I did above. Please consider the above points before ruling out that it is absolutely Djinn. Thank you. (IMG: style_emoticons/default/bye.gif)
¡HA HA! ¡ESTOY USANDO EL INTERNET!- Never learn the Art of Sword before the Art of Dance. - Celtic Proverb- Even with spiritual power, an unchecked ego will only seek to deify itself. - Frank MacEowen- One cannot traverse waters without causing waves. - Xenomancer- I find it interesting that we as scholars of metaphysics have no problem discussing the intricacies of the threads of reality, but when it comes to the things that really matter, we forget them. - Xenomancer- This world is your home. We have a mix of everything here. If you want better, make better. There's no rule of going elsewhere for the tools. That's what magick is about. - Xenomancer
Aphrodite |
Jun 3 2009, 10:22 AM
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QUOTE(Xenomancer @ Jun 2 2009, 05:55 PM) Sounds unlikely to be a Djinn, much less a friend. Suppose it was a Djinn. Do friends open up a book of incantations, and speak them aloud to puppet their friends into their bidding? What's more, obtaining authority over any spirit seems to be more of a contractual agreement in which there is some sort of exchange. The idea, however, of a human obtaining authority over any entity, in the context of "I hold absolute power over you" is truly ludicrous. Before you deconstruct the former sentence, take the following into account: If such an entity has control over such powers, then what's to stop this man from controlling people, who have no such power at their ready disposal? The other point is that in any conjuration, the only real authority is the authority of the contractual agreement, to which the wizard binds the said spirit to, and upon ratification, has the ability to enforce the contract. The only real entity a human could ever have control over are his or her own thought-forms emanating from his or her own self. The differentiation in power potential rules out the possibility of it being a Djinn. I will repeat what you said: Like break bonds at will, and create/destroy at a flicker of thought without words? But lo, behold! So, it seems as if there is a discrepancy here. If the Djinn can do anything, and becomes controlled by the wizard, this means that the wizard was more powerful. But, if the wizard was more powerful in the first place, why use a Djinn anyway? That's my main point. I don't mean to be stand-offish about it, but everytime someone references a Djinn, I keep getting this feeling of, "Oh gods, are they just being superstitious?" But, instead of me simply spouting out baseless objections, I am going to reason my way through instead, as I did above. Please consider the above points before ruling out that it is absolutely Djinn. Thank you. (IMG: style_emoticons/default/bye.gif) I’ve got the answer! There is an inexplicable, mystical universal rule that once a Djinn is captured by a wizard, he is bond to a life of servitude. Did that help? This post has been edited by Aphrodite: Jun 3 2009, 10:36 AM
Vagrant Dreamer |
Jun 5 2009, 05:31 AM
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From: Atlanta, Georgia Reputation: 51 pts
The attitude of muslims to sikhism is a little like the attitude of most jewish people to kaballah - it's possible your uncle practices sikhism and believes it to be more a mystical extension of the islamic faith than it's own religious path, and identifies as muslim all the same.
As far as controlling an 'all powerful' djinn, an analogy may help.
I cannot burn wood, physically. I am not built for making wood burn. Fire can burn wood, but it can also burn me - so to utilize fire I have to utilize the appropriate tools, like a ring of stones and a firepit to keep the fire from spreading, and I have to be careful how much wood I burn at once so the fire doesn't get out of control.
Djinn are not actually all powerful in the first place, but that aside they like any other spirit have a degree of influence over the natural world. Personally I don't think djinn are their own classification of spirit, so much as the word for 'spirit' in that native tongue is all. Maybe even 'evil spirit'. By their descriptions they sound more like elemental spirits to me, even so far as having various elemental classifications.
To the point though, there are 'inexplicable' laws that allow a mere human to bind a spirit to his service - we are physical beings, bound in the material world, in which much, if not all, spiritual energy is caught up ('bound' if you will). A lot of people poo poo the physical world we live in, but the fact of the matter is it is pretty effective at keeping your consciousness rooted to the spot, and controlling the distribution and flow of energy in creation. Without a physical world everything is all mixed up together without time or space in a big ball of chaos. The benefit to being rooted here is that utilizing the correct laws, we have leverage to reach up and pull something else down. Think of 'Solomon' whoever he was, binding the 72 spirits of the Goetia. After learning the 'wisdom' of 'God' (mechanisms of universal law?)
I imagine it could have been a mantra, could have been a 'djinn', could have been the force of his own will simply focused with nonsensical words (I do this often for minor cantrips like weather magic, changing street lights, and getting people to change lanes, and the words themselves don't matter in my experience, the just express my intention in a concrete way that doesn't activate my orderly intellect).
You could just ask your uncle.
The world is complicated - that which makes it up is elegantly simplistic, but infinitely versatile.
Ethereal Sight |
Mar 13 2010, 09:23 PM
Light Wielder
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From: East Coast, USA Reputation: 1 pts
QUOTE(go2hell @ Mar 25 2009, 10:09 PM) Ok guys.so a while back my uncle new a bit of magic. Parents told me he learned it from either Punjab, or Bangladesh. So basically what he did was set a glass in front of him, read some stuff, and in a few minutes the glass crumbled into pieces!!! I have no clue what he read unfortunately. And another thing he did was get my moms brother to hold a plate. And within a minute it just started heating up really HOT while he was reading a spell of some sort.
The plate could be some form of elemental magick (using fire to heat the plate) or else some form of energy transfer (i.e. the Serpent Fire from within his body into the plate). I suppose if he was indeed Muslim then he could have used Muslim demonology to summon a jinni or another desert spirit to warm the plate, although you would most likely have noticed a presence if the room if that was the case. As far as the glass goes, it sounds like some form of elemental magick that used earth to dismantle the glass into its original components (sand, etc.) or else a spell of unmaking, which could be extremely dangerous and not necessarily something you should know at all (not trying to sound condescending or anything, just saying that that isn't a power people should have in my opinion). Again, it could be some spirit of the desert he learned to summon, but I'm not entirely sure about that - it seems unlikely that he would've had an entity perform an action on something that close to his family (from what I hear, spirits are treacherous in the extreme given the chance).
"Take root in the ground, live in harmony with the wind, plant your seeds in the Winter, and rejoice with the birds in the coming of Spring." - Hayao Miyazaki (Sheeta from the film - Laputa: Castle In The Sky) All murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets. - Voltaire Behind every successful man stands a surprised mother-in-law. - Voltaire I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: "O Lord make my enemies ridiculous." And God granted it. - Voltaire Illusion is the first of all pleasures. - Voltaire
SororZSD23 |
Mar 14 2010, 04:11 PM
Posts: 93
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From: Over the Rainbow Reputation: 4 pts
If he was from the Punjab, he might have been trained in some kind of yogic magical art (regardless of whether he was a Muslim, Sikh, or whatever). Words of power (mantra) and intense concentration with internal energy manipulation (not necessarily the summoning of deities/entities although some mantras do evoke deities) could result in the phenomena you are describing. It can be explained (in Western occult terms) as a form of psionics and would otherwise be explained as mastery of the "secret fire." In yoga traditions, there is the idea that, with practice, a person develops "siddhis" --supernatural powers. This seems to be what is being described. Although people think of yoga as stretching exercises or silent meditation and think it has something to do with Hinduism--this is all somewhat inaccurate. Yogas are sets of beliefs and disciples for self-mastery that exist in and of themselves and also within various religious cultures (such as Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism, and Buddhism) in the Indian subcontinent. "Yoga" would be technically in disalignment with Islam (for the same reason why fundy Christians think that yoga is "eeevill") but there is some syncretism in India in that regard and just because a person might be Muslim doesn't mean that he doesn't know or hasn't studied mystical/sorcerous Yogic arts.
And yes, Esoterica, the Yahoo Answers Religion and Spirituality forum is a rip! I've been dissipating time on the site for about 3 years now and the level of ignorance, fundamentalism, and rudeness (of the fundy Christian ilk) boggles the mind. Any and every Q that has to do with Paganism or occultism is loaded with intrusive comments either by fundies telling people to repent or go to hell or else by smug Muggles telling the person posting the question that they are crazy. It can make the time go by on quiet, rainy night with your intoxication of choice.
Leaving aside those principles of magic that play on the superstitious and that, whatever they be, are unworthy of the general public, we will direct our thoughts only to those things that contribute to wisdom and that can satisfy better minds . . . -from De Magia by Giordano Bruno (born 1548; burned at the stake February 16, 1600). My Webpage
arkham |
Aug 6 2010, 05:45 PM
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Hmm, interesting
If I'm not mistaken, from previous experience, this is done using a chant/mantra/prayer The chant would evoke a djinn and put somewhat of a leash into it that the chanter will hold And then, the chanter would again chant to make the djinn do things
This method does not rely on how good the chanter is in doing or knowing the basic knowledge of magick if I'm not mistaken The method relies only in how much faith he have in god, and the manual that come with that "god" regarding the control of negative entity using prayers/chants/mantra that god had written in that manual
The advantage is that, he don't need to understand the theory, the mantra is already imbued with an intense level of energy due to its usage in the past, he simply need to believe The disadvantage is that, since the caster usually don't understand the theory and relies only on the mantras available in the god manual, the things he can ask with his control of the djinn is limited, so it's not very flexible However, if he did understand the theory (and your uncle seems he did), he might be able to do things that aren't written in the manual
This was based on my experience where I once had a curse sent to me by a person who uses a similar method If I'm not mistaken, he simply pray "god, please correct the action of these people" or sort using a certain chant that was taught in his god manual, and voila, bad things simply happen one after another Simple words, blind faith, and voila, a very strong curse which took me some time to cleanse (was even asking for a relative of mine to help the cleansing process, and it still took some time, sigh)
Imperial Arts |
Aug 7 2010, 10:06 AM
Posts: 307
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From: Las Vegas Reputation: 18 pts
So basically what he did was set a glass in front of him, read some stuff, and in a few minutes the glass crumbled into pieces!!!
It's an old stage-magic trick... a cheap gimmick.
It's entertainment. Maybe there is a message in there somewhere about the value of meditation, but more often than not it is just a way to soak cash from the credulous.
Spirits, whether you call them Djinn or fairies or whatever, tend to be subtle. They shatter expectations and barriers, not glass cups. It is unfortunate that with much to be gained from spirits in terms of personal advancement or illumination, people are so foolishly hungry to beg them for any kind of novelty.
Are not freedom, joy, and real power more desirable novelties than broken glass and warm dishware?
This post has been edited by Imperial Arts: Aug 7 2010, 10:06 AM
go2hell2 |
Sep 7 2010, 02:54 PM
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QUOTE(Imperial Arts @ Aug 7 2010, 11:06 AM) So basically what he did was set a glass in front of him, read some stuff, and in a few minutes the glass crumbled into pieces!!!
It's an old stage-magic trick... a cheap gimmick.
It's entertainment. Maybe there is a message in there somewhere about the value of meditation, but more often than not it is just a way to soak cash from the credulous.
Spirits, whether you call them Djinn or fairies or whatever, tend to be subtle. They shatter expectations and barriers, not glass cups. It is unfortunate that with much to be gained from spirits in terms of personal advancement or illumination, people are so foolishly hungry to beg them for any kind of novelty.
Are not freedom, joy, and real power more desirable novelties than broken glass and warm dishware?
Wow, I came back after a year and this thread is still got bumped just last month, haha. Well, I'm 1 year more intelligent aye? So I got more knowledge...Oh yeah, I forgot the password to my original account so had to create this new one. So as for you, no this was no gimmick. The glass was not his cup, he wasn't holding it. I'm just assuming this is some sort of elemental magick. All that he really was able to do was heat things up to very hot temperatures, shatter objects, and just stuff like that. I'm not soo sure how much practice he got...But we know that he did very little magick. And yes, he had sadly passed away 5 years ago before I posted this thread...So what do you guys have to conclude now?
Lichdar |
Jan 30 2011, 11:34 PM
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Any sufficiently powerful elementalist would technically be able to do that, but I fail to see why. It seems a lot of effort for very little gain and showmanship isn't usually one of the mage's specialities. Would you push boulders uphill until you are at the edge of your strength, exhausted and spent, just so a few people could get a moment of marvel?
I pursue the elementalist's path, and even as a neophyte, I know that is not something I am likely to do. If I do any showing, it'll be to myself, and just so I can practice my abilities.
If he was indeed capable of doing such, then it is a pity that he did not progress to summoning the elementals and their Kings. That, I understand, is far more useful as a role. Given the choice of triumphing over men with evil in their hearts with secret knowledge to be gained or conjuring tricks to wow the natives, what would you choose?
This post has been edited by Lichdar: Jan 30 2011, 11:35 PM
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