I appear to be mildly psychic. I've had a few blatantly obvious psychic dreams and things like that but I was talking to a psychic in a chat room and she kept telling me weird stuff like "the reason I'm talking to you is because my guides gave me the go ahead and what I have to tell you is that your psychic" etc. Although everything I perceive is of a negative nature like people getting sick, people being upset over something etc. obviously psychic skills are something to be highly grateful for. Its probably like normal eyesight. Not everything you see is pleasant but I think we can all agree its better to have eyesight than to not have it haha.
Anyhow I was wondering if theres any psychics on this forum that can help me out. I have a million questions but I'll try and limit them to 3 or 4 haha. 1.) How do you determine whether something is psychic info or just your imagination? For example I had a dream where my brother told me he was sick and I woke up 5 minutes later and find out my brother stayed in bed because he was sick. Obviously theres no doubt in my mind that that was a psychic dream. Often though I'll get flashes just as I'm falling asleep of say a family member upset over something. Theres no way of determining whether its the truth or not so what do I do? I don't want to act on something I don't know with certainty is true.
2.) Does being psychic make you at higher risk of being psychically attacked, who is likely to psychically attack you and are there any certain ways to know if you are being attacked or negatively influenced by the mind of another human or otherwise.
3.) Is it only good willed people that are gifted with innate psychic abilities and as a result could one take it as a sign that its been bestowed upon you so you can solve problems for other people without them having to physically tell you theres a problem? I love helping people when I can so either way I'm gonna take full advantage of any psychic info I get if I can determine its true.
4.) Is sleep paralysis a common thing among psychics and would I be right in assuming that its a highly useful state for picking up information through means other than the 5 senses?
This post has been edited by Horse: Sep 22 2009, 11:11 AM