I've started this thread because when I was still in school doing a research paper in a library I came across a book that spoke of historical unicorns. Not just mythological.
Apparently the way it was done was to take a newborn calf, and a newborn horse.
Apparently the horns grow from two bumps, which are removed from the calf, both split in half (the horn bumps) you take one side from each bump (so the new fused one is made from 1/2 of both the other ones) and as this made two, one was inplanted in the head of the baby horse, and the other back into the calf, and this would cuase the horn to grow straight as both sides fused together during growth. It was noted that no matter what animal was used to turn into a unicorn (it was not always a horse) the unicorn always took a position of leadership and had a natural arrogance.
I'm starting this thread becuase since that time I've found no other records of it, and a search on google gives me a million and one unicorn fantasy pictures, but nothing on the actual creation of unicorns, Has anyone else heard of this? And if so, does anyone have any source on this, as I'm still searching. (IMG:
†Christopher Raven†
†Popy the unofficial mascot†