Hello everybody, I go by Ouroboros or just "Ouro" by those who know me in and out of various forums and IM chats from time to time. I decided today that it would be a good time for me to come out of the woodwork as it were, and contribute my views here....
I am extremely ecclectic spiritually, and draw a lot of inspiration from Chaos Magic, Ritual Magick, traditional mythology and folklore, demonology, and countless pop-culture paradigms. Nonetheless, I feel that my harmonizing with most traditional paradigms to be either quite difficult, or not something I would desire to ascribe to, other than to help guide others in such paths. Thus far, I have managed to manifest my own sacred beliefs and methodologies, along with a fairly indepth pantheon and mythos. The name I have given for my pantheon is The Yalagos, and my website is my little online shrine to the incomplete writings I have transfered to digital media; it is called
The Sanctum of YalagosListed on my site are three sections: Mythos, Sophos, and Praxos
(Story, Philosophy, and Ritual). Mythos explains the basic formation of the gods and goddesses and their general purpose in existance, with the beginnings of explanations for natural phenominon and the human condition. Sophos elaborates further on the ideas introduced in my Mythos, by outlining not only the nature of existance, but ethical concerns, and the afterlife. Praxos lists basic correspondences of my deities, and will eventually expound on my ritual methodology, ordinances of faith, and maybe even lifestyle... ya never know
I reccomend that any who might be interested in attempting something like this would visit my website and take a look. It's not the best website, but tripod has fairly decent and flexible webpage tools, so it's by no means black and white