I am a member of tomipaldanius.com and last night my jaw dropped when I saw this recommended video link:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oT3pJ7wi6VI&feature=relatedIt's just frikkin awesome! smokin' HOT!
I'm hoping you'll enjoy the vids as much as I did:
Joe playing the classical gas:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xiLDGDcyRiU&feature=relatedand here's many other vids he himself
7680joe posted on youtube:
FleabitesDaddy LonglicksBergeson Friesmore on the "Related Videos" youtube links to the right box column.
He has also released his album "Joe Robinson - Time Jumpin' (2009)" so go get it!
His official website is at
http://www.joerobinson.com/ where you can listen to a few of high quality recording samples.