I'm VioletCalla, and I have had my first experiences with witchcraft as a teenager finding myself through Wicca (aren't we all at some point?). After a while, I felt that the Wiccan path wasn't really for me and I now self identify as pagan. I exclusively honor Hecate, who has guided me through many struggles and turning points at the crossroads of life, and I sing of her praises often (literally).
Due to foibles regarding "mundane" life taking over, I ended up fizzling out of the craft. Living with family that didn't always approve of me holding pagan beliefs can do that to you. For the sake of helping those I love through difficult times, as well as helping myself, I decided to come back and fully dedicate myself as best as I can to learning her mysteries and rediscovering who I am as a person.
I'm also an aspiring theater artist, and would like to publish my own work. If you guys like musicals, video games, and comics, I'm your go-to gal.
Pleasure to make your acquaintance!!! (IMG: