If you read the NA lit and that is just about any of them pertaining to this time I don't think they actually talk about the end, it continues for 7 worlds. The Hindus also have similar. Most NA reference the end of time. Most of that comes from the Maya which is not the real name the real name translates to them as the lords of time.
Now it is assumed that the end of time would be the end of the world. It is not according to the Maya, although they claim that if they dod not do their job correctly and we did not go towards evolving they were unsure of the out come. It is also said they would come back at this time. I am hoping for better and fearing the worst. If we make it it will be a huge step in our evolution the thought is that we may not have physical form but bodies of light something like the Vorlons of Babylon 5. It is also Inca legend.
That would fit the rapture, and the end of time, as time really only exists to us in our present form.
As I said I came out of the womb thinking of this stuff and a lot of research. I try to make our thinking and what is happening fit the prophecies, The rapture was difficult but now the thought by some and the legends seem to fit. The different traditions take a different view point. For instance the Koran talks about Governments, business, and general ethics of the end time. They all fit today. The Bible talks about the religions which I can not make a lot of sense out of, but I understand that they fail their mission and become totally corrupt.
If you are interested in the Seneca the book Other Council Fires by grandmother Twylah Nitsch and Jamie Sams it is a small book and inexpensive.
http://www.amazon.com/Other-Council-Fires-...16700795&sr=1-1This version is more a history of the worlds and how and why they ended. You won't find much of what I mentioned above. It is an interesting book. As you read the 4th world you may say hmmm this is happening now... that is because this is the 4th. It talks about 5 - 7, the Hindus also have 7, some of the esoteric lodges have 7 also (they probably got it from the Hindus).
People live with the attitude it can't happen here. I have been through many hurricanes they don't get easier, especially as you get older. THe one last year that was a rain storm turned into a cat 5 in a few hours... How do you prepare for that... It also never happened before. Cat 5 hits Pinellas county there won't be much over 6 inches standing. We were told don't expect help for months. the county would be turned into 2 islands, no water and no electricity as we get ti all from elsewhere.
There are NA legends of winds up to what by the description would be 600 - 800 MPH that is too much for me to even contemplate.
No the planet will get rid of us before it will dye. I consider it an entity also. I think anything we do may get rid of us but fall short of killing the planet. The Planet and the universe really doesn't NEED us. I feel the Ascended Masters feel more for us but even they will do us in and the whole planet if the experiment is a failure. I don't think it will be as long as there are a few working ourselves. They can't do it alone they need us for them to do there work, so we are a team. Although they have the powers of what we would term god like, they still need us for much of the work. And to top it off we must volunteer as some point. They don't of can't draft people. They can influence but I think we still would have given permission even if we don't realize it in our present incarnation. No I don't think this is the end of the planet or humans. It probably won't be fun though.
You wold probably like The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies
http://www.sanctusgermanusbooks.com also. It is not a fun read, it is easy and laid out in a way that seems to put it all together. Including WWIII and the economy, AND it was written before the manure hit the air handler. It is into Ascended Masters, looks to be christian but really is not. Since reading these 2 books, making decisions that the books helped me sort out, moving and where to move, the universe has pushed me that way. Every time I think ohh this is ridiculous I'm not moving there, something comes up either with me or Mom that says differently. I made an agreement with the universe and although I have choice, the universe makes sure I am directed to my initial goal. Too the extent that my even friends (who think I am crazy, and they are correct by non esoteric standards) see that Mom and I are directed to go. It is like living in the Twilight Zone.
I would love to see the pics etc, however there is so much security on my machine that it will not allow Flash. It used to allow youtube but they must have changed something. It just started today blocking some of Juno, the put a tracking thing on the email site, the black box is blocking. If you feel industrious I have my juno account listed.
I think I went off also.